Discover the Path to Inner Healing and Personal Transformation with
The Inner Child Journal and Workbook

Over 100 pages of inner child healing related journal questions, exercises and quotes

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth?

Introducing the Inner Child Journal and Workbook - a powerful tool designed to help you uncover your true self, let go of past wounds and cultivate healthier and more fulfilling relationships with both yourself and others.

Why choose The Inner Child Journal and Workbook? 

  • Increased Self-Discovery
  • Recognition of the impact of childhood experiences
  • Emotional healing
  • Self awareness
  • Improved relationship with yourself and others
  • Increased Self-compassion
  • Improve boundaries
  • Encourages creativity, spontaneity and passion
The Inner Child Journal and Workbook combines journal questions, exercises and quotations from psychologists and thinkers, and is set out in the following three parts:
Part One: The Magical Inner Child

Part Two: The Wounded Inner Child

Part Three: Re-Parenting the Inner Child

Part One: Magical Inner Child

Part one serves as a guide to help you reconnect with your inner child, enabling you to uncover and tap into your true authentic self. By exploring the experiences and emotions of your childhood, you will gain valuable insights into who you are today, unlocking a deeper understanding of your desires, fears, aspirations, and your potential for creativity, joy and abundance.

Part Two  - The Wounded Inner Child

In part two you explore your childhood wounds. Many of us carry unresolved wounds from our childhood that impact our actions, thoughts, behaviour, relationships and overall well-being. You will be guided to recognise how the environments, relationships, interactions, experiences and atmosphere of our childhood, life can shape our core beliefs about ourselves and who we think we are.

Part Three - 
Re-Parenting the Inner Child

Part three helps you to be the inner parent that you needed when you were a child through building compassion and empathy for self, treating yourself with love and cultivating healthy boundaries with others. Many of us struggle with self-judgment and self-criticism. The Inner Child Journal and Workbook encourages self-compassion, guiding you to embrace your vulnerabilities and nurture your inner child with love and acceptance. By cultivating self-compassion, you will develop a stronger sense of self-worth and a healthier relationship with yourself and with others.

Signs that it's time to heal your Inner Child:

  • You have a harsh Inner Voice / Inner Critic 
  •  You have trouble setting boundaries  
  • You have trouble remembering your childhood 
  • You are disconnected from your feelings or over emotional
  • You experience unexpected outbursts of anger
  • You lack confidence in yourself  
  • You seek external validation  
  • You have a fear of rejection or abandonment  
  • You need constant reassurance or permission from others  
  • You are constantly seeking safety and security  
  • You didn't get what you needed in childhood  
  • You experienced childhood traumas, abuse: emotional, physical, sexual or neglect  
  • You tend to feel quite anxious and disconnected   
  • You are afraid of taking risks 
  • You worry a lot about other people's perceptions of you
  • You have recurring problems in your intimate relationships 
  • You procrastinate and never achieve your goals 
  • You lack autonomy, individuality or critical thinking
  • You lack creativity, fun and enjoyment

What's Included?

- Over 100 pages of Inner Child Work related questions, exercises and quotes to help you connect to your inner child

-Printer friendly!  

- Explores three Inner Child Archetypes  

- Page of Inner Child affirmations  

-Perfect for journaling!

- PDF format and instant access!
- Ipad and Tablet friendly

-Free Guided Meditation to Heal your Inner Child

Caroline Reilly

Tarot and Oracle Card Reader

Reiki Energy Master/Teacher (Usui Method)

Psychic, Spiritual Awakening Coach

Shadow Work Coach

Healing Workshop Facilitator

Dream Interpretation


Formal studies in Jungian Psychology with Art therapy

Early Childhood Psychology and Education

‘Messages from the Unconscious’ a personal Shadow Work based Art Exhibition, Ireland Rep, 2005

Creator of Inner Alchemy Program, Inner Child Healing Workbook, Shadow Work Workbook, Anima and Animus Integration Workbook