For Self-knowledge, Healing 
and Personal Transformation
It's time now!

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and personal growth?

Have you experienced a spiritual crisis, an awakening, Kundalini rising, depression or a personal loss that has made you seek for answers about yourself and the world we live in?

Are you ready to let go of your trauma's, complexes and wounding experiences, and accept the power you have to transform yourself and your life, and to thrive in this world?

Inner Alchemy is a comprehensive and immersive 8 week Live programme designed to guide you through the intricate process of integrating your shadow, healing your inner wounds, and unlocking your true potential.

Heal - Grow - Evolve in 2024

The Course Modules:

  • Facing the Shadow
  • Dissolving the False Self
  • Dream Work, Intuition and Developing a Spiritual Practice
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Healing the Mother and Father Wound
  • Recognising the Anima and Animus 
  • Re-Claiming the Divine Masculine and Feminine
  • Cultivating Self Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance
  • Victim to Hero - Re-setting your Core Beliefs, Core Values, Boundaries, Facing Fears and building self-esteem
  • Psychic Protection, Chord Cutting, Release and Letting go of the Past
  • Energy Work, Clearing chakras, Raising your Vibration, Creating Inner balance
  • True Manifestation to Create the Life you Desire

Combining Depth Psychology with Alchemical and Esoteric Wisdom for Healing and Personal Transformation

How the Course Works:

* 8 Weeks of Live Training in February and March with a follow up for progress and integration in September 2024
* Online weekly live teachings recorded and available at any time
* Course consists of Video lessons and written modules

*Downloadable journals and Workbooks
* Expressive Arts and Journalling Workshops live and recorded
* Live and Recorded Meditations
* Private Facebook Community Group for daily posts, questions answered, support and sharing
* Online Course Material Access for a year
* One half hour Private 1-2-1 support call with course instructor

Dates and Times for Live Lessons:

8 Weeks of Live Training, plus follow up live Training to discuss progress and integration

Saturday 9th March, 16th, 23rd, 30th March 2024

Saturday 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th April

Integration Follow up: Sunday 1st September 2024

Times: UK 20:00pm GMT/ 12:00pm Pacific Standard Time / 15:00pm Eastern Time

Course Modules In Detail

Shadow Work:
You will confront Your Shadow Self and recognise how your conditioning, traumas and complexes motivate your actions, thoughts, perceptions, behaviour and life experiences, and cultivate radical honesty in your introspection.

Dissolving the False Self (Mask):
You will shed layers of your social and cultural conditioning and recognise how the expectations placed upon you have shaped your identity, helping you to align with your true essence and live a life based on your Core Values.

Dreamwork, Developing Intuition and Creating a Spiritual Practice:
Through Dreamwork you will gain insight into the wisdom of your unconscious mind. Developing your intuition will empower you to make aligned choices and navigate life with clarity and confidence.  By developing a spiritual practice you will cultivate a deeper connection with your Higher Self and the divine, fostering personal growth and transformation.

Inner Child Healing:
You will meet your Magical Inner Child, walk through the darkness with your Wounded Inner Child and Finally discover the transformative effects of Re-Parenting the Inner Child.

Healing the Mother and Father Wound:
These wounds often rooted in our early relationships with our parents can greatly impact our unconscious core beliefs, our sense of Self-worth and our ability to form healthy relationships.

Anima and Animus Integration and Healing Relationships:
This work is by far the most important in respect of healing our relationships with ourselves and with others, especially how we interact with the opposite sex. 

Re-Claiming the Divine Masculine or Feminine:
You will learn about the archaic and archetypal nature of the Divine Feminine and Masculine and learn to re-claim and embody your true essence.

Self Love, Forgiveness, Acceptance:
You will develop forgiveness, compassion and empathy for Self, and practice Self Love which will reflect in the relationships you have with others.

Victim to Hero - Core Beliefs, Core Values, Creating Boundaries, Facing Fears:
You will be supported to recognise your Core Beliefs, Design your Core Values, Face your personal Fears and Create necessary Boundaries to allow you to become the Hero in your story.

Psychic Protection, Chord Cutting, Release and Let Go of the Past:
You will learn ways to shield yourself from negative people, experiences and energies, stay grounded and maintain energetic boundaries. You will learn ways to release old traumas, complexes and let go of whatever it is that no longer serves you.

Energy Work, Raising your Vibration:
You will learn how to clear your chakras, raise your vibration and manipulate energy to a higher frequency so that you become an energetic match for that which you want to experience and create. 

Manifest and Create:
You will learn the truth about Manifestation and learn how to create the life that you desire.

My name is Caroline Reilly and I am the course creator who will be delivering the programme. As a Shadow Work Coach, researcher and energy healer among many other interests, i decided many years ago to create a programme that would support people through their personal and spiritual transformation. Shadow work is one of the most important facets in true healing but over time I discovered that too much Shadow doesn't lead to positive transformation on it's own. The light is needed to balance the duality. Having studied analytic psychology (Carl Jung in particular), alchemical and esoteric philosophy, and having been through dark night of the soul more than once, I created this programme focusing on  common themes that myself and my clients struggled with and overcome. I have included techniques and philosophy that I found useful in my quest to understand myself and the human condition, and I am pleased to share my work with others who are looking to heal themselves, grow in conscious awareness, transform their lives and be a beacon of light for themselves, their family and the human family.

Join me on this journey to heal yourself and create personal transformation in your life

Caroline Reilly

Tarot and Oracle Card Reader

Reiki Energy Master/Teacher (Usui Method)

Psychic, Spiritual Awakening Coach

Shadow Work Coach

Healing Workshop Facilitator

Dream Interpretation


Formal studies in Jungian Psychology with Art therapy

Early Childhood Psychology and Education

‘Messages from the Unconscious’ a personal Shadow Work based Art Exhibition, Ireland Rep, 2005

Creator of Inner Alchemy Program, Inner Child Healing Workbook, Shadow Work Workbook, Anima and Animus Integration Workbook




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